
SuperVision An-Dante

For whom?

You are a professional coach or into the process of professionalization.
As an individual or team coach.


Supervision starts during the initial training. It aims to develop skills, the practice of tools and the conduct of processes.
And it continues throughout the coach’s practice.
SuperVision supports reflexive learning development, the coherence of the practice in the face of professional references, in a space of non-knowledge supporting next discoveries.

What for?

Supervision is a privileged space for exploring and developing your professional identity as a coach.

“I coach the way I am.”

In other words, the person you are has an influence on the way you work, so:

  • How to become more intentional in the way you coach?
  • How to refine and develop your unique style that is and will become the reason why your coachees are and will be your coachees?
  • In which world do you welcome your coachees?

Which spaces in SuperVision?

The 3 spaces of An-Dante supervision for the coach

As shown in the diagram above, the supervision space has several functions. Over the course of the supervision sessions, we consciously explore these different spaces, according to your needs as a coach.

  • Healing space: you are supported in your practice, especially in questions where you are confronted with issues beyond your abilities or experience, at this stage of your life as a coach
  • Workspace of tools and approaches : you question your tools and approaches, your coaching skills, your way of being in relation to yourself, to the other, to others, your understanding of what is happening with your client, so as to improve the quality of your coachings
  • Emergence space: you build your unique way of being a coach and develop your reflective analysis. You also explore areas of shadow, even blindness, from which emerge possibilities. The coach-supervisor relationship is used as a sounding board for the coach-client relationship.

These three spaces are explored both through the way of being and through the way of doing things.


Supervision can be individual or collective.

Process of a supervision session

We work from lived situations, and you draw new avenues of understanding, action, in connection with your development objectives.

Another essential element is the co-creation of a specific supervision space, clarifying the ingredients useful for your development and your experiments and discoveries.

Examples of Coach Supervision Topics

Several Managers are coached individually for relationship difficulties with the CEO. What does this say about the company system? How to coach in this environment?

A coach works with a client who wants to move forward on his lack of pro-activity in his decision-making. The coach has the impression of carrying his client, of not moving forward. How to use this awareness in this coaching?

An internal coach is caught in a conflict of loyalty with a former colleague stuck in a difficult relationship situation, and formulates that she “cannot afford to fail by coaching him, otherwise his reputation as a coach is over in this company”. How to get out of this impasse?

I can’t sell my coachings, how do I do it?

Internal coaches

Internal coaches have a complex mission, as they are part of the system in which they coach. This requires a work of clarification of the stakes, personal, the coaching relationship, the system, the environment in which it is played, the contract …

For the organization that supervises its internal coaches, it is a question of ensuring the quality and effectiveness of coaching, the development of the coaches’ reflective learning, the ability to take up new challenges and apply the learnings that emerge from them, to manage ethical issues, for example related to the independence and neutrality of an internal coach at the company.


Les fondements de ma supervision sont les modèles de supervision de la Coaching Supervision Academy.  Elle inclut une diversité des approches -techniques de coaching et de supervision- et des expertises -coaching, Ressources Humaines, Développement des Organisations, Leadership, thérapies, formation- ainsi qu’une culture internationale, nourrie des recherches et des influences au niveau mondial. 
Cette approche est reconnue et soutenue par les deux fédérations principales de coachs professionnels : ICF International Coach Federation et EMCC European Mentoring and Coaching Council.
Et je travaille aussi avec l’Approche Neurocognitive et Comportementale, le coaching systémique de la relation (ORSC), le Développement de l’Adulte, le Leadership Embodiment qui embarque corps et voix.
Et bien-sûr ma pratique est supervisée en groupe et individuellement !

Ma touche personnelle : 

Contribuer à créer plus d’harmonie individuelle et collective,
par la connaissance de soi et de la relation et leur incarnation au quotidien.

My personal Touch:

Contribute to more individual and collective harmony,
through self understanding, relationship growth and day to day embodiment