Agnès Grisard

Performance comes from blending expertise and relationship skills.

For 15 years, I have been supporting Teams and Leaders to grow their performance, through relationship skills.

Leaders are C-Levels, ExecutivesManagersExpertsCoaches

High Performing Leaders and Teams realign after having been unbalanced, build cognitive and behavioral strategies to adapt individually and collectively, and grow their inner ressources.

In the first half of my career, as an engineer and project manager, I rapidly discover my natural taste to onboard people toward a shared goal. At the time, I dealt with environmental, quality and security issues.

Additionally, I blend my passion for singing and my professional skills and offer vocal improvisation in my coachings to support talent and creativity growth, namely in complex or changing situations. I sing with the vocal ensemble Les Parisian Harmonists, with 2 to 3 a capella programs a year, on the parisian scene.

This lead me to develop 3 offers :

I work in both French and English.

Differently said, I offer my clients time and a secured space to think, feel, reflect, learn, try, and thus be more efficient

They tell me I am adaptable, opened, pragmatic, centered, enthusiastic.

Ma touche personnelle : 

Contribuer à créer plus d’harmonie individuelle et collective,
par la connaissance de soi et de la relation et leur incarnation au quotidien.

My personal Touch:

Contribute to more individual and collective harmony,
through self understanding, relationship growth and day to day embodiment


Quality & Deontology

To guarantee quality to my clients, I have renewable professional certificates :

  • ✅PCC : Professional Certified Coach, a guarantee for training, coaching quality, renewed every 3 years by the International Coach Federation
    +1700 coaching hours, and +270 clients
  • ✳️ORSC : Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching by CRR Global
  • ❇️CSA : Coaching Supervision Academy – the only international supervision training recognized by both ICF and EMCC, worldwide and European professional associations, with a yearly renewed certificate.

And I am committed to compliance with the code of ethics, including the establishment of a coaching contract specifying the terms of coaching, confidentiality and unconditional respect for people.