Coaching of leaders and managers – coaching of meaning or performance?

Professional coaching is known as a process that achieves #results. It provides #means, which support the improvement of #performance, especially in a relational space of security, with the neutral look and the open questioning of the coach.

What about the meaning you want to give to your action?
What is your particular signature as a team manager?

Photo Credit : A Grisard

From performance coaching to meaning coaching

This article explores the links between different models of human decoding, and offers an innovative vision of the coaching relationship.

The evolution of the demand for coaching is connected to the development of the person, especially in connection with the development of the adult. Thus, coaching acts as an upgrade of the software for exploiting the individual’s way of thinking and decision-making and taking action, which makes it possible to have a vision to manage increasingly vast areas of complexity. 

Photo credit: A Grisard – Escher Museum The Hague

Red buttons

The “red buttons” are the intolerances that trigger us emotionally, every time someone presses them or a situation confronts us.

These reactivities are at the root of many conflicts in teams.

7 principles for successful relationships

How do you know what makes a relationship work, that it is constructive, fruitful, fruitful, in the long term?

Love Lab

John M Gottman’s “Love Lab” has revealed its secrets, after hosting volunteer couples for 16 years. Couples are immersed in this somewhat special laboratory, where they are invited for a weekend. Researchers observe them through a glass without complexion and couples are monitored on some physiological parameters (heartbeat, blood pressure …).

The conclusions of this study are quite transposable into other types of relationships, such as friendship relationships, parenthood, or professional relationships.

When we talk about soft skills, the skills acquired in one context are transferable to others (personal, intimate, professional life).Only the issues and durations in which relationships take place differ.

Le Baiser – Schiele, photocredit A Grisard

Valentine's Day at #metoo time

Seduction, a well-oiled mechanic?

At the beginning of sexual life, we know each other badly and we are dependent on social expectations or we are rebellious, which is just the opposite, that is to say that we are not really freely ourselves, but just guided by extrinsic motivations. In addition, we are ticking off a kind of unconscious checklist, but valued socially: studying, having a good job, finding a partner, all this for… reproduce. 
Sorry for the immediate and merciless destruction of the glamorous side of dating 😉 !!!

To compensate, here is this photo that I found particularly attractive…